Cybersafety Sentinel May 2022 Week 3 | Informatica Canada
Weekly Insights from Cybersafety Sentinel
Stay updated with Informatica’s Cybersafety Sentinel’s May 2022 Week 3 edition. This week, we cover critical topics such as the G7 cybersecurity reaction, issues identified before an attack on Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest health authority, military stances in cyberspace, and Elgin County’s cyber-failure. Gain expert strategies to enhance your cybersecurity measures and protect your digital assets.
Featured Cybersafety Sentinel Posts
Check out our featured posts below for the latest insights from Cybersafety Sentinel.
Claudiu’s Top Post
If anyone was still laboring under the illusion that #VPN companies run by faceless entrepreneurs offer any degree of #anonymity, this #privacy #breach should dispel the notion and thankfully shatter some of the unearned #trust that most of these predatory #data aggregation firms have been enjoying.
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G7 Cybersecurity Reaction
Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne is pressing G7 countries to establish a quick-reaction group on cybersecurity to help build up resilience to attacks following the invasion of Ukraine. Champagne suggested to a meeting of G7 digital ministers that they pool expertise to fend off attacks and protect crucial information-technology infrastructure. Champagne’s call for a quick-reaction group follows warnings by the cybersecurity agencies that sanctions on Russia could expose them to cybercrime.
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Issues Identified Before Attack
The details are in a business plan prepared for Eastern Health in September 2020 and recently obtained by CBC/Radio-Canada.
Ronald Johnson is vice-president of innovation and rural health at Eastern Health, Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest health authority. According to the report, Eastern Health hired CyberMDX for a one-month “proof of value” engagement to passively monitor the systems at the Carbonear hospital.
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Military Stance in Cyberspace
A “cyber playbook” prepared by the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence comes as Ottawa pushes for international rules and norms around cyber espionage and warfare.The document also makes clear that Canada is under increasing pressure from allies to be able to conduct joint cyber operations, either as standalone operations or as support for “conventional” military conflict. Anand’s office “clearly recognizes” cyberspace as a domain for warfare.
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Elgin County Cyber-Failure
Personal information about more than 300 people, some of it highly sensitive, was compromised by a “cyber-security incident” that knocked out Elgin County’s website and email system for nearly a month.Their compromised data contained “some sensitive personal information, including health card numbers, social insurance numbers and financial information,” she said. Elgin reported the incident to authorities including the Ontario Provincial Police and Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner.
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Canadian Data Collection
“Beyond Big Data Surveillance: Freedom and Fairness” says regulations have not evolved quickly enough to keep up with ever-changing technologies. In addition, the report argues that some, such as women, Black people and Indigenous groups, are more exposed to surveillance than others.That means data laws that “actually require companies to be much more transparent about the algorithms that they’re using, about the technologies that they’re using,” Denham said.
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Charges in ‘Grandparent Scam’
Three people have been charged in connection with a crime ring targeting seniors in Durham Region and across the Greater Toronto Area. The arrests come following an investigation into more than 70 incidents of “grandparent scams” by Durham Regional Police Service’s Financial Unit.
“After the money was received the senior victim would receive another phone call advising the female and/or baby had died and more money would be required.”
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S-7 Fails to Protect Privacy
This is an important moment to improve privacy protections at the border. The very low (and legally novel) threshold of “reasonable general concern” for border officials to conduct a search of a traveler’s personal electronic device does not adequately protect travelers’ privacy. CCLA believes that a minimum threshold of “reasonable grounds to suspect” is required to protect travellers.
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Deepfakes Fool Biometric Checks
A team of researchers has found that biometric tests used by banks and cryptocurrency exchanges to verify users’ identities can be fooled by deepfake technology. Know Your Client verification is utilized in a wide array of industries including banking, fintech, insurance, crypto, and gambling.
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