Cybersafety Sentinel April 2023 Week 2 | Informatica

Weekly Insights from Cybersafety Sentinel

Stay updated with Informatica’s Cybersafety Sentinel’s April 2023 Week 2 edition. This week, we explore critical topics such as USB condom scams, spyware-infected calendar invites, OpenAI’s bug bounty program, the N.W.T. cybersecurity breach, Nordik Spa customer data compromise, and national security risks from leaked documents. Gain expert strategies to enhance your cybersecurity measures and protect your digital assets.

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Claudiu’s Top Post

How To Make Millions Selling USB Condoms: Simple! Jack up the fear level about the perils of unprotected charging, or better yet, parrot a government advisory that hints at theoretical threats.. With prices topping $35 apiece USB blockers – affectionately called USB condoms – are a hot ticket. Read More

Spyware-Infected Calendar Invites

According to Citizen Lab, the iPhone exploit was delivered through malicious calendar invites that were dated in the past. Bill Marczak, a senior researcher at Citizen Lab, told TechCrunch that the infected calendar invite didn’t trigger an invite, so it would largely go unnoticed. Read More

OpenAI’s Bug Bounty Program

It has partnered with the crowdsourced security platform Bugcrowd for independent researchers to report vulnerabilities discovered in its product in exchange for rewards ranging from “$200 for low-severity findings to up to $20,000 for exceptional discoveries.” Read More


N.W.T. $716,000 Cybersecurity Breach

The Northwest Territories government says it spent $716,000 to address a cyberattack in November. The territory says the cybersecurity threat was contained and remediated without the exposure of personal or private information. It has released few details, citing confidentiality reasons. Read More

Nordik Spa Customer Data Compromised

A data breach may have affected Spa Nordik customers who recently bought gift certificates on its platform. Groupe Nordik in Chelsea says they became aware of suspicious activity on their gift certificate system in late February and that credit card information may have been compromised. Read More

Leak ‘very serious’ Risk to Security

At the White House, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby was asked if the U.S. was bracing for more online releases. Patel added that there is no question the documents’ release present a risk to national security. Info posted online ranged from Ukraine’s air defences to Israel’s Mossad spy agency. Read More

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