Cybersafety Sentinel December 2022 Week 2 | Informatica

Weekly Insights from Cybersafety Sentinel

Stay updated with Informatica’s Cybersafety Sentinel’s December 2022 Week 2 edition. This week, we explore critical topics such as AI’s impact on knowledge-based industries, tech company breaches by teenage hackers, accountability of financial institutions in scams, vulnerabilities in connected cars, and surveillance device concerns. Gain expert strategies to enhance your cybersecurity measures and protect your digital assets.

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Claudiu’s Top Post

Should we worry about AI ending knowledge based industry? Not even a little bit. Here’s a fair question, mined from the shallow depths of the twittersphere: Let’s think about this for a second in terms of self-driving cars. Without even considering the vapourware claims of cars being summoned across the country and all kinds of hoaky claims of driverless vehicles working as Uber when not in use by its driver, we can easily imagine a scenario where a vehicle is commandeered by its owner to simply back out of its parking spot. Read More

Teenagers Breached Biggest Tech Companies

Like many cybercriminal gangs, Lapsus$ is an evolving group of cyber hackers that maintains an anonymous online presence. Friday’s announcement marks a pivot for the board, which will shift investigatory efforts from a specific vulnerability to a prolific hacking group. Read More

Should Credit Union Have Done More?

Family wants credit union held accountable. In Ali’s case, his daughter, Karen Bull, discovered he was being scammed. She said she wants to know why his financial institution, Meridian Credit Union, didn’t do more to stop this from happening. Read More

Hackers Unlock and Start Connected Cars

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a security vulnerability that exposes cars from Honda, Nissan, Infiniti, and Acura to remote attacks through a connected vehicle service provided by SiriusXM. The issue could be exploited to unlock, start, locate, and honk any car in an unauthorized manner . Read More

Under Desk Surveillance Devices

Still, graduate students are well positioned to extract demands from universities whenever they impose onerous conditions or unethical demands. “The most powerful tool at the disposal of graduate students is the ability to strike. Read More

Companies Join Forces

Meta Platforms Inc.’s Facebook and Instagram have been running a refined version of the Australian pilot globally for a year. The tech giant developed the tool in partnership with SWGfL, the UK-based nonprofit behind the Revenge Porn Helpline. Read More

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