Cybersafety Sentinel July 2023 Week 1 | Informatica

Weekly Insights from Cybersafety Sentinel

Stay updated with Informatica’s Cybersafety Sentinel’s July 2023 Week 1 edition. This week, we explore significant topics such as JPMorgan’s email deletion mishap, the neglect of cyber defenses by Canadian government bodies, AI’s role in scams and fraud, and Facebook’s data privacy setback in the EU. Gain expert strategies to enhance your cybersecurity measures and protect your digital assets.

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Claudiu’s Top Post

JPMorgan Chase, a company that recently allocated $12 Billion to upgrading its #cybersecurity and claims to spend hundreds of millions per year on dataprotection, has “a c c i d e n t a l l y” deleted 47 MILLION emails considered to be business records required to be retained pursuant to federal securities law. Some of those emails were sought by subpoenas in at least a dozen regulatory investigations. Read More

Government Bodies Ignore Cyber Defences

Despite a stern warning from one of Canada’s security review bodies, most Crown corporations, smaller government departments and agencies haven’t heeded the call to use specialized cyber defence sensors to protect their networks from state-sponsored attacks, says a recent report. Read More

AI’s Dark Side: Scams and Fraud

When OpenAI launched the ground-breaking tool ChatGPT in November 2022, it changed the world forever, showing the artificial intelligence revolution is truly upon us. The application of AI has contributed to a number of technological advancements, such as the development of modern computer chips, generative media, and more. Read More

EU Court Setback for Facebook on Data Privacy

Facebook lost a legal challenge Tuesday at the European Union’s top court over a groundbreaking German anti-trust decision that limited the way the company uses data for advertising. The European Court of Justice said competition watchdogs can consider whether companies like Facebook comply with the continent’s strict privacy rules, which are normally enforced by national data privacy regulators. Read More

Canada’s Island of Transparency

Most provincial information commissioners carry out their jobs in relative obscurity, issuing reports detailing how their respective governments fail the masses by keeping public records hidden, but which few people read and which rarely lead to change. But as Information and Privacy Commissioner of Newfoundland and Labrador, which has enacted Canada’s most modern and robust system for ensuring such documents are released to the public, Mr. Harvey has assumed an unusually large profile. Read More

Cyber Attack Disrupts Gas Station Payments

Motorists who have pulled up to one of Canada’s Petro-Canada gas stations in the last few days have been greeted by “cash only” signs, as a cyber attack on parent company Suncor Energy has disrupted the company’s payment and loyalty reward systems. Read More

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