Cybersafety Sentinel September 2022 Week 3 | Informatica
Weekly Insights from Cybersafety Sentinel
Stay updated with Informatica’s Cybersafety Sentinel’s September 2022 Week 3 edition. This week, we cover critical topics such as the ethical implications of data collection using high-definition sensors, intimate privacy as a civil rights issue, online gaming risks for children, a ransomware attack on OakBend Medical Center, and the new security features in iOS 16. Gain expert strategies to enhance your cybersecurity measures and protect your digital assets.
Featured Cybersafety Sentinel Posts
Check out our featured posts below for the latest insights from Cybersafety Sentinel.

Claudiu’s Top Post
Further to this CTV interview, my take on the “collection of personal data using sensors to capture high-definition images to detect drivers distracted by their phones for research purposes” is that any way to describe taking pictures of people in their cars is creepy. But creepy does not necessarily mean privacy-invasive or illegal. Read more

Civil Rights Issue
Start treating ‘intimate data’ collection as a civil rights issue, says researcher. Privacy experts say we need better protections for information about our health, private conversations, dating profile. “We should understand intimate privacy as a fundamental, civil right and a human right that needs rigorous protection.” Read more

Children’s Online Gaming
Regulators have turned their attention to online gaming, a quickly growing sector that frequently markets digital products to young people. When risks for children are high, companies must implement effective risk mitigation around personal data use in online gaming. Read more

Hospital Ransomware Attack
OakBend Medical Center in Texas is currently facing communication issues as it works to rebuild its hospital network after a ransomware attack. A ransomware attack deployed against OakBend Medical Center on Sept. 1 caused communication issues and IT disruptions.
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iOS16 Security Features
Today’s release of iOS 16 comes with two new features meant to help protect people facing very specific crises in their lives. Safety Check and Lockdown Mode are very different tools, but Apple has built them both into its latest mobile operating system release as lifelines for digital worst-case scenarios. Read more

Price More Important Than Security
Less than a third (32%) of European home workers who own a smart devices surveyed said security was a top three factor when choosing a smart device, compared to 50% who prioritized price. Furthermore, 75% of Europeans say their employers have taken no steps to secure home internet connection or provide software protection for home devices. Read more