Cybersafety Sentinel February 2022 Week 2

Claudiu’s Top Post

April Fools: I previously commented on the dumpster fire that #Clearview AI has been since inception. This poor excuse for a mass #surveillance tool is illegal in Canada, but every time it disrupts lives elsewhere and invades the #privacy of innocent people, we can see that we really dodged a bullet when our Privacy Commissioner and law enforcement agencies agreed to ban it. Tragically, their US counterparts completely missed that memo Read More

Improving Cybersecurity Defenses for Schools

Schools in the United States have been under siege from ransomware and other kinds of cyber incidents. But there’s an organization that is helping to share threat intelligence and best cybersecurity practices. Read Morew

Retail Cybersecurity: How to Protect Your Customer Data

In the early days of the pandemic, many retailers quickly launched e-commerce stores for the first time. Others expanded their offerings, such as adding online ordering with curbside pick-up. Within only a few months, the pandemic accelerated the shift to e-commerce stores by five years. This points to the need for increased retail cybersecurity. Read More

Cyber threats and cybersecurity continue to impact private banking

The future of cybersecurity is a pressing issue for all but the foolhardy. An attack can have devastating effects, not just in the information that is stolen but in the damage to reputational risk and trust that a bank’s clients have in its ability to hold secure their assets, personal information and sensitive private details. Read More

New Bill Would Force Critical Infrastructure Operators to Report Cyberattacks Within 72 Hours

Legislation that would require operators of critical infrastructure to report cybersecurity episodes within 72 hours has been reintroduced in the senate. 

The “Strengthening American Cybersecurity Act of 2022” bill was reintroduced by leaders of the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee on Feb. 8 after it failed to get passed as part of last year’s defense policy spending bill. Read More

Fake News, Real Costs: How Disinformation and Deepfakes Impact Business and What to Do About It

Viral disinformation and the growing ease with which believable synthetic media (often called deepfakes) can be created will accelerate a range of business dangers. Read More

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